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RF Mid-Way 2.2.3

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RF Mid-Way 2.2.3 Empty RF Mid-Way 2.2.3

Post  a903nk Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:47 pm

RF Mid-Way 2.2.3

ini server rusia ,server pvp
server ini pke client game yg v 2.2.3 , langsung timpa aja ke folder rf lu

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pass : arkandia

Info Game :
- exp 100x
- Cash Shop at NPC!
- Unique weapons and armor 65 level in the Land of the Elves.
- All forgotten the loot - will help in development.
- Leon and Relics at NPC.
- A unique and rare jewelry from NPC.
- Talic in the mines.
msh byk lg yg blm gw coba coba

Jumlah posting : 22
Join date : 29.06.10
Age : 29
Lokasi : Purwokerto

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